Saturday, January 6, 2018

Dharma - a path to Righteousness

dharma is the religious and moral law governing individual conduct. It’s a way & principle of righteousness

Dharma is the law that maintains the cosmic order as well as the individual and social order. Dharma sustains human life in harmony with nature.
"What you desire for yourself, you should desire for others. What you do not like others to do to you, you should not do to others." (Mahãbhãrata, Shãntiparva, 258)
Bhishma says in his instructions to Yudhishthira that whatever creates conflict is Adharma, and whatever puts an end to conflict and brings about unity and harmony is Dharma. Anything that helps to unite all and develop pure divine love and universal brotherhood, is Dharma. Anything that creates discord, split and disharmony and foments hatred, is Adharma.

In order that we fulfill our role in the divine play we must behave within our Dharma. That is, we ought to do the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right reason. By this we attain balance.

Dharma is your purpose. 
It’s what you set out to do in life. It’s the end goal, whereas karma is what you do to get to the end goal (or what you do not do). It’s the path of righteousness and living one’s life according to the codes of conduct as described by universal spiritual teachings.
The purpose of dharma is not only to attain a union of the soul with the supreme reality, it also suggests a code of conduct that is intended to secure both worldly joys and supreme happiness.

The 10 Laws of Dharma

The ancient sage Manu prescribed 10 essential rules for observance of dharma:
  1. dhriti (Patience) – Staying secure in your own inner peace.
  2. kshama (forgiveness) – Letting go of things that don’t necessarily serve you.
  3. Dama (self control) – Knowing that the best things come to those that wait.
  4. asteya (honesty) – This is really more about non-stealing; don’t take that which does not belong to you.
  5. shauch (cleanliness/purity) – Cleanliness in mind, body, and soul.
  6. indraiya-nigrah (control of senses) – Meditation and life force control.
  7. dhi  (reason) – Guiding your life with calm reason leads to great success.
  8. vidya (knowledge/learning) – Gaining skills that significantly add to your ability to offer value is a huge step towards well-rounded success.
  9. satya (truth) -Realizing that truthfulness brings about the highest outcome for you and others.
  10. krodha (anger) – Anger poisons our ability to lead our lives in a positive and powerful way.

These are guidelines that will help you ride on the right track, and help you lead a life that is truly fulfilling.